Mark Strazisar
Business Owner | COO | Vice President of Operations |
Consultant | Hospitality Executive | Imagineer

Imagine. Create. Perform. Succeed.
I'm a Coloradan, a transplant from Michigan. It was the hospitality industry that brought me from restaurants in the midwest to large nightclubs restaurants and lounges in the west. I have always been a person of service. My opportunities have stacked up a wealth of connections to like-minded people of service. The nightclub years were spent bringing light to the night. In doing so,
I have connected to amazing visionaries, whose collaboration is always a moment away, as is the opportunity to give back to the community that has been so supportive over two and a half decades. I am grateful and blessed!
Available for:
Hospitality Executive
Project Management
Business Operations
Marketing Strategy
Business Intelligence
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"Mark Strasizar is a rare person, with the ability to look straight into your eyes and directly to the core of who you are as a human and find and foster the most positive aspects of who you are. Mark is someone who truly cares for everyone he comes into contact with and has tremendous enthusiasm and positivity.
I have worked with Mark through numerous business ventures over the last 15 years and have watched him overcome any and all obstacles with style and grace, no matter how difficult or seemingly insurmountable. Mark is amazing at utilizing the genuine social capital he has built over the years. I would follow him anywhere."
Nick Wilhelm
Cannabition Cannabis Museum
COO of the first immersive, Instagramable, Interactive
Las Vegas Attraction
Click Below
“A dream without a plan is just a wish.”
Katherine Patterson
“You manage things, you lead people.”
Grace Murray Hopper
"He who has great power should use it lightly."
“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.”
Pat Riley
"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true."
Amin Sulliamen